August Awesomeness! 2020/COVID19 Edition

fantasy sport splashFantasy sports season overlap is generally what makes August so awesome! However, given the state of the world due to COVID19, sports the world over have been affected, thus making trying to organise and run fantasy sport competitions a real pain. Anyway, we carry on as best we can, so here is a run down of where I am at this August!

  • NRL Supercoach -Supercoach this season has been super tough! I thought I was doing OK this season, but with one regular season game to go, I am on the verge of dropping out of the finals race for all my cash leagues. D’oh! If I manage to win my match ups this week, I will make it to finals, but my team has had a tough trot in the last week or two, and a few too many risky decisions in the last few weeks could send me crashing out. Unlucky!
  • AFL Supercoach – COVID19 2020 season of AFL is a disaster, making it even harder to care about this.
  • EPL starts agaian in just over two weeks, after the whirlwind finish to last season. This will be another compromised season, making FPL and Sportsdeck a tougher propersition than in past years.
  • NFL starts again in just a few weeks, and I have no idea what is going on. Time for some research if I want to have a chance!
  • Tipping – NRL tipping has been OK, I had a great start, but have now fallen back to the pack.

With the last year of fantasy sports having been disrupted due to COVID19, I sense that a lot of people are experiencing some “Fantasy Fatigue”, as am I. Cash leagues look like collapsing, as fantasy managers struggle to come to terms with short turn arounds, and confused timetables. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out!