NRL Supercoach Ruminations 2022 – Pre-Season Thoughts

Manly Sea Eagles’ Tom Trbojevic will set you back $1.25 Million to start the NRL Supercoach season. Is he in your squad? Do you even NRL Supercoach?

Pretty much as soon as the GF is over for the NRL season, I start thinking about who are the players that I could see having a good season the following year. In 2021, it was no different, but one player came to the forefront of my mind when thinking of which players I would deem essential to being successful in NRL Supercoach in 2022. Tom Trbojevic. If you are in any way serious about NRL Supercoach or the NRL in general, you know who the fuck Tom Trbojevic is. First name I thought of, quickly followed by “Crikey, he is gonna cost a fortune!”. Now I am not going to go in the details of his stats and numbers from last season, or any season really. I am approaching this strictly from a “gut feeling” stand point. My gut feeling is that Turbo is going to have a ripper season, and will push the Sea Eagles into Finals contention.

We need to talk about Tommy…

In my arrogant opinion, I think that Tommy is gonna do it again this season. Kinda. A lot of the online narrative around Supercoach circles is that Tommy Turbo could not replicate the season he had in 2021. While I agree that it is unlikely that he averages as many SC points as he did last season, the important thing in my opinion, is that the gap in his average and averages of other SC assets should somewhat remain, even if size of the gap somewhat shrinks. I still think Turbo will be the best player in SC this season.

I can’t think of any other player that will out perform him this season. There are other “usual suspects” that could be considered as being the top player in NRL Supercoach, but none have as clear a run at it as Turbo. Allow me to illustrate with a few examples:

  • Cleary – HFB ($949k) – Coming off shoulder surgery, no pre-season games played, and a possible Premiership hangover. Don’t get me wrong, still clearly the best Halfback in the game, and will no doubt be a Supercoach Gun again this season, but possibly due for a sluggish start, and thus a price drop incoming.
  • Teddy – FLB ($760k) – Coming off minor surgery, no preseason games, new halves pairing at the Roosters, and photos of him sporting a gut. Plus, not getting any younger. Will Turbo replace him as the best Fullback going around? I am pretty sure he already has.
  • Pappy – FLB ($694k) – May not start the season due to injury, plus only a bad tackle away from being out with concussion for another 3 months.

Basically, you can make an argument against any of the “Guns”, including Tommy, actually being worth their starting price. And look, I am absolutely convinced that Tommy is over priced and will lose value, but I don’t play Supercoach simply to build team value. Don’t get me wrong, cash generation is vital in Supercoach, especially early in the season. However, the fact is that Supercoach is won on points, not team value.

By starting with Turbo, I am hoping that I am latching on to potentially the highest SC scorer this season, with a ceiling second to none. The fact that the best player in SC is relatively modestly owned, and is hard to reach without seriously tearing your team apart once the season has started, gives it all the more potential to ruin seasons for anyone who does not own Turbo from the start.

Meh, I guess I am hunting upside, and Turbo has it in spades. I could wax lyrical about the pros and cons of starting Turbo in your Supercoach team, and all the implications, but it would just take to long to type damn it! My final calculations read as follows: TURBO = Good.

So despite the huge price tag slapped on Turbo, I personally believe that the biggest question facing Supercoaches this season, is not if you can afford to start with Turbo in your squad, but rather, can you afford to start without him?

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