Fantasy Payday – May 2022 Edition

I am a bit late with the first Fantasy Payday of the year, but mainly because things don’t look so good on the winning side of things, regardless of how I am actually fairing in fantasy sports this year. Oh well. I have gone hard on NRL Supercoach this year, but had a terrible start to the season, due to my pig headedness. Live and learn, although in my defence, I knew I was going with a high risk/high reward strategy, and expected it to possibly all go horribly wrong. Anyway…

2022 Fantasy Sports Spend:

  • $50 – The UNLUCKY! Cup 2022 NRL Supercoach Competition
  • $25 – Sandow Memorial 8 NRL Supercoach Competition
  • $50 – The Bowman Cup XII NRL Supercoach Competition
  • $50 – Cash Kings $50 NRL Supercoach Competition
  • $100 – Cash Kings $100 NRL Supercoach Competition
  • $50 – Plenty Pineapples NRL Supercoach Competition
  • $25 – NRL Supercoach Plus Pass
  • Fantasy Sports spend to date 10/5/2022: $350

That’s already more than I spent on all my fantasy sports last year, and have not even got around to the next EPL or NFL season. Whoops! Worse yet, not looking like I am gonna win a brass razoo out of any of this, going on how I am currently travelling. Still time to claw something back, but it would make sense to go from my most successful year straight into my least successful year, I seem to see-saw like that! Unlucky!