BBL Supercoach – Back for 2018/19!

BBL splash 2018-19

With the Cricket back for summer *yawn* and the Test Series in full swing, the BBL is about to kick off tonight in Brisbane. This means that BBL Supercoach is back also, which means yet another fantasy sport to cram into my life. Nothing to get too excited about,  for while I enjoy the Big Bash League T20 competition, the fantasy games are only mildly amusing, and are relatively hard to stay on top of because of a lack of media coverage needed to make a quality fantasy sport engaging, especially during a busy holiday period. Add to this the bad taste left in my mouth from the Australian Cricket cheating scandal last year, and the contemptuous approach from Cricket Australia in regards to TV coverage for watching Cricket this summer, and I am left rather disillusioned, and my interest in Cricket at an all time low.

As it turns out, I must not have been that keen last year either, for while I did play BBL Supercoach, I never had a Season Review, so I am guessing that I did quite poorly. Having said that, I did also play Fantasy BBL, and it would appear that I pored all my efforts into that, gaining a top 6% finish. As it stands, the benchmark set in the 2016/17 BBL Supercoach season was a top 10% finish, so that is a good starting point to try and better. Most likely, I will stick with the BBL Supercoach format from here on in, for the simple fact that it is the one with the most online media coverage that I can see.

Anyway, bring on the BBL! Hopefully the Thunder can do better this year than they did last! Well, it can’t get much worse. Not MUCH worse anyway.
